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Safran Yusri, Vincentius P. Siregar and Suharsono
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 363, LoCARNet: The 7th Annual Meeting - Challenges for Asia to Meet 1.5°C Target 21–22
November 2018, Jakarta, Indonesia
Citation Safran Yusri et al 2019 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 363 012025
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science PAPER
Porites (Poritidae) is one of the most temperature induced bleaching-resistant coral genera. Therefore, their presence is essential for coral reefs to survive when facing the threat of climate change. Species distribution modelling for Porites corals could provide predictive maps of species distribution in various scenarios, and therefore provided the input for decision support tools. Distribution Model will cover coral reefs in Indonesia, using maximum entropy. Data from field observations collected by TERANGI Foundation since 2002 in various places of Indonesia, Indonesia Institute of Sciences since 1999, specimen data from GBIF, and other various sources were used as the only current input for the analysis. Environmental variables were derived from satellite imageries and oceanographic models, such as HYCOM, LANDSAT 8, MODIS AQUA, and GEBCO. Genera identification were based on Suharsono (2017). The results found that the model was well-performed with AUC value of 0.9747 and if compared to the null distribution, it was considered statistically significant (AUC = 0.7348). Jackknife analysis indicated that the environmental variables with the biggest contributions were substrate type, bathymetry, and mean of chlorophyll A concentration.
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- Written by Nurdyana Putri MD
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O Johan1*, Idris2, Fakhrurrozi2 and O Sianipar3
1Research Institute for Ornamental Fish Culture, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Jl. Perikanan No. 13, Pancoran Mas, Depok, 16436, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
2Indonesian Coral Reef Foundation, Jalan Asyibaniyah No. 105-106 Pondok Jaya Cipayung, Depok 16438, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
3Directorate of Environmental Dispute Settlement Outside the Courts-Ministry Environment and Forestry, Gedung Manggala Wanabakti Blok I lt. 2 Jl. Jenderal Gatot Subroto, Jakarta 10270, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: ofrijohan@kkp.go.id
Coral reefs are distributed widely around Indonesia waters which has various functions as fisheries sources and tourism benefits. Coral reefs are very vulnerable to various threats, such as ship grounding in several areas in Indonesia. The measurement of damage width of coral reefs used the irregular polygon method. In contrast, the impact and the level of damage were measured using the underwater photo transect (UPT) method. The grounding of the ship has caused massive damage to coral reefs with a width area of 46.89 m2. Types of damage include physical and biological damages that make the coral split, break, and shift. The ship grounding caused the coral colonies to be uprooted and blown from the substrate, destroying coral skeletons, lifting, and sediment displacement. Coral condition at the control area was 35.13% (bad condition), whereas condition on the damaged area as the impact of ship grounding was 14% in trajectory zone. The total width to be claimed was 11.92 m2. The degradation of coral reefs can affect and reduce the functions and benefits of ecosystems both ecologically and economically. The shipowner has to do the rehabilitation and compensation of the damaged area.
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- Written by Nurdyana Putri MD
- Category: Publikasi
- Hits: 1244
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
O Johan1,* and Idris2
1Research Institute for Ornamental Fish Culture, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Jl. Perikanan No. 13, Pancoran Mas, Depok, 16436, West Java, Indonesia, 2The Indonesian Coral Reef Foundation, Jl. Asyibaniyah No. 105-106 Pondok Jaya Cipayung, Depok 16438, Jawa Barat, Indonesiasia.
*Corresponding author: ofrijohan@kkp.go.id
Coral die-offs can be caused by several factors, one of which is the infectious coral disease. Currently, limited data and information are available regarding coral diseases abundance and distribution in Indonesia including Sabu Raijua waters, East Nusa Tenggara. This research aimed to investigate the types and abundance of coral disease and determine the compromise health condition on 12 sites in Sabu-Raijua waters on Sawu Marine National Park. The research showed coral conditions varied from bad to poor. There were eight coral disease types, the highest abundance found atromentous necrosis (0.12 col/m2) in station 11 (Menia 1), and nine compromise health with the highest number of CH types was found at station 12 with its abundance from 0.02 to 0.33 col/m2. The disease abundance were classified as low on the sites, no evidence due to environmental factors. However, a regular survey has to be carried out in the area to monitor the progress and incidence of the coral diseases and measure their future impacts on the coral reef ecosystem of the national park.
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- Written by Nurdyana Putri MD
- Category: Publikasi
- Hits: 1284
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
Idris1*, Fakhrurrozi1, J R P Daud2 and O Sianipar3
1Division of Resources Management, Coral Reef Foundation of Indonesia, Depok 16438, Indonesia
2Center for Marine Conservation Technology, Conservation Laboratory, Manado State Polytechnic, North Sulawesi 95252, Indonesia
3Directorate of Out-of-court Environmental Dispute Resolution-Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Jakarta 10270, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: idris@terangi.or.id
The ship's ran aground on coral reefs often result in severe physical and biological damage. It is including the removal and crushing of corals reefs (dislodging), the destruction of coral skeletons (pulverization), the erosion and removal of sedimentary calcium carbonate. It is almost cause the loss of three-dimensional complexity. Moreover, this event occurred in the patch reef was far away from the nearest land, located in the waters of Manggar–Bangka Belitung Province with a distance of ± 65 nautical miles from the city of Manggar. The ship ground has caused damage to the marine environment especially the patch reef ‘Gosong Panjang’ at the location. The Fishbone method with the transect gauge is used to measure the extent of the affected area in each zone and underwater photo transect to measure the level of coral reef damage. Total extent of the affected area of each zone taking into account the survival of corals i.e., 10.177 square meter. Hard coral cover condition in the affected area of 7.7% goes to serious damage or poor. Hard coral species was affected in location where 43 species and 21 species are listed as red IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) with vulnerable status and near threatened.
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- Written by Nurdyana Putri MD
- Category: Publikasi
- Hits: 1620
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
Idris1*, Fakhrurrozi1 and C Adiwijaya2
1 Indonesian Coral Reef Foundation (TERANGI), Jalan Asyibaniyah No. 105-106 Pondok Jaya Cipayung, Depok 16438, Indonesia
2Graduate School of Marine Science, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University), Jl. Agatis, Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: idris@terangi.or.id
Resilience is the ability of a system to reach equilibrium after a temporary disturbance. When an ecosystem is disturbed, then the recovery of the system is very dependent on the diversity of species that are still left. The remaining communities determine the direction of new successional communities formed after the disturbance has passed, including coral, fish, and other biota communities. This study aimed to determine the level of resilience of coral reef ecosystems on Lembeh Island. The observation was carried out from January 16-19, 2019, at a 7-meter depth. Determination of the coral reef index will refer to coral reef resilience index table. It is found that the resilience of coral reefs on Lembeh Island currently has a high potential for recovery (resilience) from natural stressors based on the 16 parameters. Seven parameters have very high resilience values: the proportion of bleaching resistant species, community resistance to bleaching, taxonomic diversity, size/age distribution, the abundance of reef fish on live coral, and the abundance of coral benthos on live coral and coral disease levels. Lembeh Island is dominated by hard corals measuring between 5.1 to 25 cm (size M) by ~46%, then sizes more than 25 cm (size L) by ~37% and juvenile size (size S) by 17%. The coral health index on Lembeh Island has the capacity to recover if the condition of coral cover is minimally maintained or improved and lower fleshy seaweed cover by increasing the abundance and biomass of herbivorous fish.