Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
O Johan1,* and Idris2
1Research Institute for Ornamental Fish Culture, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Jl. Perikanan No. 13, Pancoran Mas, Depok, 16436, West Java, Indonesia, 2The Indonesian Coral Reef Foundation, Jl. Asyibaniyah No. 105-106 Pondok Jaya Cipayung, Depok 16438, Jawa Barat, Indonesiasia.
*Corresponding author:
Coral die-offs can be caused by several factors, one of which is the infectious coral disease. Currently, limited data and information are available regarding coral diseases abundance and distribution in Indonesia including Sabu Raijua waters, East Nusa Tenggara. This research aimed to investigate the types and abundance of coral disease and determine the compromise health condition on 12 sites in Sabu-Raijua waters on Sawu Marine National Park. The research showed coral conditions varied from bad to poor. There were eight coral disease types, the highest abundance found atromentous necrosis (0.12 col/m2) in station 11 (Menia 1), and nine compromise health with the highest number of CH types was found at station 12 with its abundance from 0.02 to 0.33 col/m2. The disease abundance were classified as low on the sites, no evidence due to environmental factors. However, a regular survey has to be carried out in the area to monitor the progress and incidence of the coral diseases and measure their future impacts on the coral reef ecosystem of the national park.
coral condition; coral disease; compromise health; tumor
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Citation O Johan and Idris 2022 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 967 012020