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- Ditulis oleh Nurdyana Putri MD
- Kategori: Publikasi
- Dilihat: 2517
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
N P M Dwita1, Idris1 and N S Widjoyo1
The Indonesian Coral Reef Foundation (Yayasan TERANGI), Jl. Asyibaniah No 105-106, Cipayung Village,Cipayung Subdistrict, Depok City, Jawa Barat 16438, Indonesia.
*Corresponding author: idris@terangi.or.id
Lembeh Strait in North Sulawesi is one of the areas included in the world's coral triangle. Coral reef structures provide a habitat for reef fish. Herbivorous and invertivorous fish were essential to determine the direction of coral reef succession. This study aims to examine the health of coral reefs based on the presence of reef fish. Observations were conducted on January 16-19, 2019, with a total of 22 observation points. Observation of reef fish communities using the underwater visual census (UVCs) and belt transect method. At the observation site, it was found that there were 260 species of reef fish. The resilience of coral reefs based on the presence of reef fish has a high value on the parameters of the abundance of herbivorous fish, taxonomic diversity, and abundance of coral reef fish.
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- Ditulis oleh Nurdyana Putri MD
- Kategori: Publikasi
- Dilihat: 3669
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences December 2021 Vol 26(4):271-281 - e-ISSN 2406-7598
Rahma Aprilian1*, Dietriech Geoffrey Bengen1 , Erlania2, Ofri Johan3, Idris4
1Marine Science and Technology, IPB University Jl. Raya Dramaga, Bogor City, West Java. 16680 Indonesia 2School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Center for Integrative Ecology, Deakin University Warnambool Campus, VIC 3280, Australia 3Balai Riset Budidaya Ikan Hias Jl. Perikanan No. 13, Pancoran Mas, Depok City, West Java. 16436 Indonesia 4Yayasan Terumbu Karang Indonesia Jl. Asyibaniah No. 105-106, Cipayung, Depok City, West Java. 16438 Indonesia Email: rahmaaprilian100497@gmail.com
The coral reef is massive deposits of calcium carbonate produced from coral animals that are symbiotic with zooxanthellae. One of the activities carried out as an effort to improve the sustainability of coral reefs is monitoring the health condition of coral reefs. The coral reef health index value is based on benthic components and fish components. The benthic component consists of variable life coral cover and the level of coral reef resilience determined based on macroalgae, rubble, and life coral. Fish component is the total biomass of target reef fish. The highest coral reef health index value is at value 10 and the lowest value is at value 1. This study aimed to determine the value of the health index on Sangiang Island. This research was conducted on 16-18 February 2019 on Sangiang Island on three dive stations are Legon Bajo, Legon Waru, and Tembuyung. Data collection of benthic components uses the Underwater Photo Transect (UPT) method and data collection of fish components uses the Underwater Visual Census (UVC) method. The results showed that the coral reef health index on Sangiang Island was at values 6 and 5, means the live coral cover on Sangiang Island was included in the high and medium category, and the level of coral reef resilience or recovery potential was included in the high category, while the total biomass of the target reef fish is still in the low category, only a few species of fish were found that belong to the target reef fish.
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- Ditulis oleh Super User
- Kategori: Publikasi
- Dilihat: 5081
Bagaimanakah kondisi terumbu karang di Jakarta? Lho, memangnya Jakarta punya terumbu karang? Ingin tahu kondisi sumberdaya terumbu karang yang termasuk kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman biota? Silahkan baca buku ini untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut.
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- Dilihat: 7298
Kawasan diperairan bagian Utara Jakarta terdapat pulau-pulau kecil yang dikenal dengan Kepulauan Seribu yang menyimpan banyak kekayaan sumberdaya terumbu karang, dan tidak sedikit masyarakat yang bergantung hidupnya pada sumberdaya terumbu karang tersebut.
Kawasan Kepulauan Seribu mengalami tekanan yang besar karena kedekatannya dengan Ibu Kota Jakarta membuat ancaman semakin kompleks. Ancaman tersebut mulai dari polusi, perikanan berlebih yang merusak sampai perubahan fungsi habitat.